R&D Achievement / Awards
2022年度「WAIC 云帆奖·明日之星」全球 TOP15 奖项


9月1日,2022年世界人工智能大会(WAIC)在上海举行。中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院集成所汽车电子研究中心马智恒博士因在密集目标与复杂环境感知领域突出的钻研精神以及持续的创新能力,通过层层评选最终成功摘得2022年度「WAIC 云帆奖·明日之星」全球 TOP15 奖项。

WAIC 云帆奖·明日之星」奖项作为大会重要组成部分,由世界人工智能大会组委会发起,是全球首个针对人工智能青年技术人才的奖项。旨在挖掘全球年龄20-30岁之间最具潜质的AI青年,培养AI学术研究人才和创业人才,通过现有资源及外部政、产、学、研资源深度整合,打造未来学术和产业领军人物的“加速器”。   


Award-winning Rating:全球 TOP15
Authorize Department:世界人工智能大会(WAIC)
Date: 2022-09-01




信息安全是国家的重要战略之一,可信密码芯片安全技术属于本领域核心技术。李慧云团队针对可信密码芯片在设计与测试中的关键技术,实现以下突破:1)提出对密码芯片进行性能约束下的安全性设计优化。根据芯片关键性能约束条件,通过分析密码算法的共性操作,采用代数函数域理论进行防御设计,以平衡安全、功耗与成本。2)提出将评估对象和环境归一化的密码芯片安全性量化评估技术。通过研究攻击假设、攻击成功概率的估计等理论问题,提炼出了量化评估的安全指标,建立安全性量化评估模型。3)提出一种采用非相干观测方法对密码芯片内部的安全漏洞进行探测和定位的技术。利用漏洞的稀疏性,建立非相关观测模型,对芯片内部逻辑单元的安全性状态进行探测和重构。 该项目的研究成果在国际同行中处于先进水平,形成了核心技术布局。项目成果被列入国家密码管理局发布的《安全芯片密码检测准则》,2011年已在全国发布执行。该项目完成人与银行卡检测中心合作建立金融IC卡物理安全检测平台,促进了我国十二五期间金融IC卡的全面推行。该项目成果还转移转化到高新技术公司,产品安全可靠,有效地满足社会需求,获得用户好评,产生了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

Award-winning Rating:二等奖
Authorize Department:广东省人民政府
Date: 2021-03-01


The project of Development and application of security design and evaluation technology of cryptographic chip developed by professor Li Huiyun and associate professor Shao Cuiping of the Automotive Electronics Research Center of the Institute of Advanced Integration Technology of ShenZhen Institute of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIAT), won the first prize of Shenzhen Science and Technology Progress Award (Technology Development Category) in 2020. The security technology of cryptographic chip is the key in the field of information security, and also one of the bottleneck technologies in China. The project team made technical breakthroughs in security design, vulnerability detection and security evaluation, which solved the problem of low security test efficiency and easy misdetection and omission of detection under fault injection attack. Some of the core technologies have been used in the development of Internet of Things chips such as security integrated card, information machine, security MCU, etc., and have achieved good industrial application results in consumer electronics, smart homes, medical facilities, industrial interconnection and other fields.

Award-winning Rating:The first prize of Shenzhen Science and Technology Progress Award (Technology Development Category)
Authorize Department:Shenzhen Municipal Peoples Government
Date: 2021-04-30


变频电机系统主控芯片(MCU)以及运行于芯片之中的电机驱动控制软件是变频电机系统的最关键技术之一。在芯片内部配套封装的高性能电机驱动控制软件系统以及功能完善的底层软件模块,对于推广国产芯片的应用具有重要推动作用。但是,研发高可靠性、高性能的变频电机驱动底层软件需要深厚的理论知识及实践经验,具有很高的技术门槛。针对这一实际情况, 国民技术联合我中心孙天夫副研究员及其团队成员李可、郑伟杰等,基于国民技术N32G435/N32G455系列增强型MCU研发高性能电机驱动控制软件。研发包括电机参数自动辨识、电机磁极辨识、电机无位置传感、高性能速度环控制等核心底层软件模块。特别是所研发的同步电机无位置传感技术可通过纯软件手段实现对电机转子绝对位置的实时检测,并适用于电机零速、低速、高速等各种工况,从而省去了现有成本较高且容易损坏的电机位置传感器,为相关用户企业节省成本、减少维护提供完整的解决方案。

Award-winning Rating:突出创新产品奖
Authorize Department:深圳市汽车电子行业协会
Date: 2021-09-30



Award-winning Rating:“最具商业价值奖”
Authorize Department:深圳市公安局交通警察局、深圳市特区建设发展集团有限公司
Date: 2021-01-08

Wu Wenjun AI Science & Technology Award

Project introduction: The project has formed a core technology layout. There are 9 papers published and indexed by SCI, 16 patents have been applied. The technical inventions proposed in this project are the first major technical inventions at home and abroad. The research results have been applied to the national security chip security inspection specifications and a series of security products, which have achieved sales revenue of 200 million yuan in the past three years.

Category:Technology Invention Award
Award-winning Rating: Third prize
Authorize Department: Artificial intelligence society of China
Date: 2019-10-21

SIAT Win 2018 China Intelligent Vehicles Future Challenge


The 10th China Intelligent Vehicles Future Challenge of Offline Competition on Visual Perception of Complex Dynamic Traffic Scenes has taken place in Nov 16-18, 2018.

Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences won the third place of Front Vehicles Detection among 23 teams, which are from some renowned universities, such as Tsinghua University and Xian Jiaotong University etc. The team was led by Professor LI Huiyun, and the members Yang Zhiheng, Chu Lutao, Li Kan, Wu Junta and Yang Zhaonan.

This environmental perception offline test took the traffic scene videos captured on real traffic road, followed the requirements of High Automation (SAE L4+), and was aimed to evaluate the visual perception ability for complex and dynamic traffic scenes in terms of accuracy and adaptability.
Automotive Electronics Research Center is mainly focused on intelligent vehicle cutting-edge technologies. There have been fruitful results about Omnidirectional heavy-duty AGV, Autonomous Vehicles, Full-cell vehicles and key components for new-energy vehicles.

Category:SIAT Win 2018 China Intelligent Vehicles Future Challenge
Award-winning Rating:Third place in China
Authorize Department:Intelligent Vehicles of China
Date: 2019-07-09

First prize for China Instrument and Control Society

“Internet Plus” intelligent management and control platform for EVs

Category: First prize for China Instrument and Control Society ——“Internet Plus” intelligent management and control platform for EVs
Award-winning Rating:First prize
Authorize Department:China Instrument and Control Society
Date: 2015-08-17